I really like making my own mayonnaise. Commercial mayo has sugar and is usually made out of soybean oil. When I make my own, I can choose healthy eggs and healthy oil. Also, it's a fun science lesson. So this is what you do... separate two egg yolks and put them in a blender or food processor.
2 egg yolks
lemon juice
oil (light olive oil is best)
Put the egg yolks in a blender or food processor. Squeeze a lemon in there and add a dollop of good mustard. A pinch of salt. Pulse it a few times to blend. Then keep the blender/food processor on as you slowly pour in a neutral oil... I've found light olive oil to work quite well, although you could use extra virgin if you don't mind a strong olive oil taste. Stop blending every once in a while to check the consistency. When it looks like mayonnaise, you've got yourself some mayonnaise. The lecithin in the egg yolks and the acid in the lemon juice and mustard act as an emulsifier to bind the water in the ingredients to the oil. It's really cool, and tasty. You can also add seasoning like curry powder, and if you add a bunch of raw garlic, you have yourself an aioli.
Also, as Mika says: taste your oil first for freshness. The oil can really make or break the mayo in terms of flavor. Also, if you're using a hand whisk to make it, be prepared for tired arms! It's doable but a hefty workout.
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