Tuesday, February 23, 2010

gotta love the NUT

Yes, very delicious. Important thing to remember though, peanuts are legumes, which means they contain phytic acid. So try other nuts that might contain less. Walnuts? Pistachios? I actually don't know the level of phytic acid that these nuts contain. But perhaps it is worth looking into.

I came across this blog that debates the nut thing for paleo dieters. Read the comments. Mostly what I get from it is that one should not binge on nuts. As with most foods, binging is bad. But otherwise, nuts are great especially when you are first starting the paleo lifestyle.

I welcome people to look into this if they like and provide more insight or perpectives. I certainly would like to learn more.


  1. Yes, all nuts do have phytic acid as well, but I certainly haven't had as much of a problem with them as I have from eating certain grains.

    This is the first time I've seen a claim that nuts are AS HIGH in phytic acid as soy, grains, and legumes.

    My sense is that I don't know anyone who eats nuts the way they would eat grains, and nuts are more satiating and lower-glycemic, and so are a decent choice, although even a lot of paleo-eaters limit nuts. I still think they're a good option to ween off of junk food and candy.

  2. Another note, even raw cashews are cooked to a certain degree to remove the outer husk. Not sure how that affects the phytic acid content.

  3. Also, thanks for the link Meat Ball. I put it in the sidebar.
