Thursday, March 18, 2010

Did we lick it?

....the sugar habit, that is?

Now that we're nearly done with Week 4 of our paleo challenge, I'd be interested in hearing how people are doing in relation to cutting out or reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates in their diet.

Since we started the challenge, my one very non-paleo food has been chocolate. I've tried to stick with very dark chocolate (90% dark, but sometimes in the 74%-88% range instead). Sometimes, though, I've had slightly less dark chocolate with a lot of sugar in it. I haven't had any grains since we started and have not had juice either.

As the weeks have gone on, I've noticed two things: I get less hungry between meals (a good thing, and I assume because I'm eating veg and protein that's keeping me fuller longer and with fewer dips in blood sugar), but I also have been eating a LOT more chocolate than when I started (not necessarily a great thing, given the quantities).

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