Most of you probably know this already, but an article written about Sarah Magida and me has caused quite the stir around the interwebs in the past 24 hours. I didn't expect to enter the public food debate in this fashion, but I guess I blew up my own spot by agreeing to the interview in the first place. In any case, they've posted a response from me, and I've written another response for the blog I work for. There have been some really great and supportive comments, despite the usual trolls and malcontents.
I just want to say to all of you that I really love having dinner with you every Sunday. I love that you're in my life, and that we get to share food and hang out so much. The really hateful things people are saying out there have made me really appreciate all of you that much more. Thank you so much for indulging me in this experiment. At the end of the day, I hope we're all healthy and happy and full of great food.
Despite the article painting a picture of me as some spoiled brat who can't give up my high-society tastes, here's what I've had for lunch for the past three days: soup made from the broth in which I boiled the bison tongue on Sunday. I add vegetables (carrots, celery, turnip greens) and I break and egg into it before turning the heat off and stirring. Delicious, satisfying, full of minerals and protein, full of vegetables. That $9 tongue has turned into at least five or six meals. Cheap as cheap can be, and I didn't even eat any meat. You can do the same thing with any stock that you make.
Gerry, even though I don't seem to have a knack for retaining the biological/scientific details of the nutritive processes etc etc, this whole group and process has had a positive effect on my own eating habits. So I am very thankful for your bringing all this to the table. The table that we are eating off of, I mean.
ReplyDeleteI think the discussion that has resulted between all of us is a really important thing, and the high level of inquiry into the effects of food and all aspects of culinary health is something that I actually never expected to find amongst friends in Baltimore. I believe that all of this, including the salon.com article and your response to it are playing a role in increasing awareness of matters of food and health.
Gerry, I'll also chime in that I'm really glad that you got us to start doing Sunday potlucks. I have really enjoyed them, too. A friend of mine (now a chef) once said in college, "Good food is worth eating." Before our potlucks, I had forgotten that a little. I'm also glad that I've learned and tried new cooking techniques and that with just a little more effort I can fit cooking into my schedule. Plus, I've eaten more vegetables in the past 3.5 weeks than I have in the past 3 months. Surely a good thing.